I am a hacker

Play our cybersecurity challenges and land your dream job
  • Become a part of the community and have fun tackling our exciting and challenging games. Accumulate points and earn badges to display your achievements.
  • Join the competition with other hackers and showcase your abilities by completing games and climbing up the leaderboard. Not only must you provide the correct solution, but speed also plays a role in determining the outcome.
  • Browse job posts and see how well you compare to other candidates based on the skills you have acquired by completing games on our platform.
  • Put your skills and expertise to the test in our games to secure the best results. Accumulate points that you can use to apply and secure your desired cybersecurity job.
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I am a recruiter

Find and hire qualified candidates for open job positions.
  • Create job listings and let qualified hackers apply, or personally extend invitations to the top talent to apply for the positions.
  • Use our platform to gain real-time insights on the most qualified candidates for open job positions.
  • Create a set of challenges for potential candidates to complete as part of the hiring process. You can select from existing public challenges or create your own custom ones that are tailored to the specific requirements of the job. This can help you identify the most qualified candidates and make more informed hiring decisions.
  • Interview applicants who have completed the challenges and use the insights gained from the platform to make a decision on who to hire.
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How does it work?

01. Hackers participate in cybsersecurity challenges and earn points and badges in various subjects. They enjoy using the platform and form a community.

02. Recruiters create job postings and use insights to identify the most qualified candidates based on skills demonstrated in challenges.

03. Hackers can view job postings, see how well they fit the requirements, and apply for the positions.

04. Recruiters can interview applicants for a job posting and ultimately hire the most qualified candidate.

05. Both parties are satisfied; the hacker lands his dream job with a good salary, and the recruiter gets the best talent for the job.