Unveiling Hackerbase's New Web Application Firewall Assessment harnessing ModSecurity

We have recently rolled out a new set of challenges aimed at evaluating a participant’s prowess in dealing with Web Application Firewall (WAF) scenarios, simulated through the open-source tool, ModSecurity. This challenge is segmented into three levels of difficulty: easy, medium, and hard and is meticulously designed to challenge and evaluate your understanding and capability in writing ModSecurity rules.

web application firewall challenge

Prerequisites: Before embarking on this assessment journey, it's pivotal to have a solid understanding of the HTTP protocol. Understanding common CVEs that can be exploited via HTTP, either through exploiting vulnerable libraries or due to incorrect standard protocol interpretation, is also vital for addressing the more challenging levels. This knowledge forms the foundation for drafting rules to block malicious behavior effectively.

  • Easy Level: Dip your toes into the basics of WAF through ModSecurity, focusing on recognizing and blocking rudimentary malicious HTTP requests. This level is designed to warm you up for the subsequent, more complex stages.

  • Medium Level: The stakes get higher as you venture into the medium level. Here, you are required to write ModSecurity rules to counter more sophisticated threat vectors. A deeper comprehension of HTTP protocol and its various nuances is indispensable at this stage.

  • Hard Level: Prepare to face real-world WAF challenges head-on in the hard level. This level demands a thorough understanding of CVEs and their exploitation through HTTP. Your task is to draft robust ModSecurity rules to mitigate these exploits.

We continue to push the envelope by offering challenges that not only test but also enhance your cybersecurity skills. The new Web Application Firewall challenges are a testament to this commitment. It’s a significant leap towards fostering a community well-versed in cyber security. So gear up, delve into the assessment, and come out with a sharpened skill set!

Happy hacking, hackers!